By Laurent le Gouanvic
From the top of the stairs of the Wilson Palace in Geneva, headquarters of the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights (UNHCHR) and formerly the late League of Nations, Ros Han, Chan Vichet, Sia Phearum and Seng Sokheang look at the unobstructed view of lake Léman and the Mont-Blanc quay, a street where luxury boutiques, banks and posh hotels run side by side. At the heart of the Swiss city, in a setting which strongly differs from Kratie, Oddar Meanchey and Phnom Penh, these four Cambodians came to make a call for help and file the demands of those evicted from their land or from those who are under threat of eviction to the international community. Before attending the Cambodian Government reporting to the Committee of economic, social and cultural rights of the UNHCHR, which is holding its 42nd meeting on May 11th and 12th, those heralds of Cambodian civil society held a series of meetings, hoping to put an end to evictions and land grabbing in their country.
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